Setup Meta social login for Google Android

This article describes how to setup Meta (formerly known as Facebook) social login for Google Android

  1. Select Android.

  2. Enter the Android package name.

  3. Click the register app button

  4. Go to Facebook developer.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions. When prompted to enter your client token, use your App ID.

  6. Copy Client Token from your account and paste it on the Shelfy back office integration panel> social login > facebook > android.

  7. In Facebook go to Settings > Basic, and choose Data deletion callback URL.

  8. Copy and paste the following links from the back-office:

  9. Copy the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint from your Google Play app.

  10. Paste the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint into a converter tool, and convert it to Base64.

  11. In Facebook, add the Android platform; paste the key and click Save.

  12. Go to Firebase, and select Authentication.

  13. Click the Sign-in method tab.

  14. When prompted to enter an App ID and App Secret, use the App ID and App Secret from your Facebook developer account.

  15. Copy the OAuth redirect URL.

  16. Go to Facebook Login > Settings.

  17. In the Client OAuth Settings, paste the OAuth redirect URL you copied in step 9.

  18. Click Save changes.

  19. Move the app into live mode.

  20. In your Firebase account, download the google-services.json file.

  21. Open the google-services.json file, and complete and validate the required fields.

  22. Upload the modified google-services.json file.

  23. Click Save to Version to view the changes in the next version.

Last updated